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Mobile proving made simple

With mopro, developers can overcome the limitations of existing tools like snarkjs, which struggles with small circuit sizes and slow performance in browsers. Our solution leverages the growing power of mobile GPUs to deliver a fast, scalable, and secure proving experience directly on client-side applications

mopro, short for Mobile Prover, redefines the landscape of mobile app development by introducing an innovative toolkit designed for zero-knowledge (zk) proofs. With mopro, developers can overcome the limitations of existing tools like snarkjs, which struggles with small circuit sizes and slow performance in browsers. Our solution leverages the growing power of mobile GPUs to deliver a fast, scalable, and secure proving experience directly on client-side applications.

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Developer Capabilities
Ease of use

mopro simplifies the complexity of integrating zk-proofs into mobile apps, making it accessible even for developers new to mobile development.


By optimizing for mobile GPUs, mopro significantly enhances the speed and capacity for handling large circuits, surpassing traditional browser-based solutions.


Designed to scale with your needs, mopro supports a wide range of proving systems, facilitating the development of versatile, high-performance applications.


Users can generate claims securely on their devices, ensuring data privacy and integrity.

X-platform compatibility

Whether you're developing for iOS, Android, Windows, or Mac, mopro supports you with a unified toolkit that works seamlessly across all platforms.

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