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Version: 0.1.0

Circom Adapter

Mopro supports the integration of Circom circuits. For this, you need to have pre-built zkey and wasm files for your circuits. You can find more information on how to generate these files in the Circom documentation.


Explore how the Circom adapter is implemented by checking out this sample project mopro-app or the test-e2e where we maintain (and test) each adapter.

Setup the rust project

You can follow the instructions in the Rust Setup guide to create a new Rust project that builds this library with Circom proofs.

In your Cargo.toml file, ensure the circom feature is activated for mopro-ffi:

default = ["mopro-ffi/circom"]

Witness Generation Functions

In order for the Mopro to be able to generate proofs for your chosen circom circuits, you need to provide a witness generation function for each of the circuits you plan to use to generate proofs for. This function handles the witness generation for your circuit. You can read more about witnesses for circom circuits here.

The function signature should be:

pub type WtnsFn = fn(HashMap<String, Vec<BigInt>>) -> Vec<BigInt>;

Implementing the Witness Function

For simplicity, you can use the witness! macro provided by the rust-witness crate. This macro generates a witness function for you given the circuit name. You can read more about the witness! macro here.

Adding the rust-witness Crate Dependency

To use it, you must first add the rust-witness crate to your Cargo.toml regular and build dependencies:

# ...
rust-witness = { git = "" }

# ...
rust-witness = { git = "" }

Configuring the path to the .wasm circuit files in the

Then you need to add to the the call to rust_witness::transpile::transpile_wasm macro and pass it the path to the folder containing the .wasm files for the circom circuits. The path can be absolute or a relative to the location of the file. Note that the .wasm files can be recursively in subfolders of the specified folder, as in the example below.

For example, for the following project structure:

├── circom
│ ├── multiplier
│ │ ├── multiplier2.wasm
│ │ └── multiplier3.wasm
│ └── keccak256_256_test.wasm

You will need to add the following to the file:

fn main() {
// ...
// ...

Automatically Generating Witness Functions

Then you can automatically generate the witness functions for all the circuits in the specified folder.

To do so, in the file, you can add the following:


This will generate the witness function for the specified circuit following the naming convention here.

Setting the Circom Circuits

To set Circom circuits you want to use on other platforms, you need to use the set_circom_circuits! macro provided by the mopro-ffi crate. This macro should be called in the file of your project, after the mopro_ffi::app() macro call. You should pass it a list of tuples (pairs), where the first element is the name of the zkey file and the second element is the witness generation function.

For example:

mopro_ffi::set_circom_circuits! {
("multiplier2_final.zkey", multiplier2_witness),
("multiplier3_final.zkey", multiplier3_witness),
("keccak256_256_test_final.zkey", keccak256256test_witness),

Under the hood, the set_circom_circuits! macro will generate a get_circom_wtns_fn function that will be used to get the witness generation function for a given circuit zkey file.

Manual Configuration

For advanced users, you can manually define the get_circom_wtns_fn function in the file:

fn get_circom_wtns_fn(circuit: &str) -> Result<mopro_ffi::WtnsFn, mopro_ffi::MoproError> {
match circuit {
"your_circuit.zkey" => Ok(your_circuit_wtns_gen_fn),
_ => Err(mopro_ffi::MoproError::CircomError(format!("Unknown ZKEY: {}", circuit).to_string()))

This might be useful if you want to have more control over the proving functions for each circuit.

Using the Library

After you have specified the circuits you want to use, you can follow the usual steps to build the library and use it in your project.


The Circom adapter exposes the following functions to be used in the iOS project:

// Generate a proof for a given circuit zkey, as well as the circuit inputs
// Make sure that the name of the zkey file matches the one you set in the `set_circom_circuits!` macro
generateCircomProof(zkeyPath: zkeyPath, circuitInputs: inputs) -> GenerateProofResult

// Verify a proof for a given circuit zkey
// This works for arbitrary circuits, as long as the zkey file is valid
zkeyPath: zkeyPath, proof: generateProofResult.proof, publicInput: generateProofResult.inputs) -> Bool

// Convert a Circom proof to an Ethereum compatible proof
toEthereumProof(proof: generateProofResult.proof) -> ProofCalldata

// Convert a Circom public input to an Ethereum compatible public input
toEthereumInputs(inputs: generateProofResult.inputs) -> [String]

As well as the following types:

public struct G1 {
public var x: String
public var y: String

public struct G2 {
public var x: [String]
public var y: [String]

public struct ProofCalldata {
public var a: G1
public var b: G2
public var c: G1

public struct GenerateProofResult {
public var proof: Data
public var inputs: Data

Android API

The Circom adapter exposes the equivalent functions and types to be used in the Android project.