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Version: 0.1.0

React Native Setup

After completing the Rust setup and setting up either iOS setup or Android setup, you're ready to create a cross-platform project using React Native.
React Native is a JavaScript framework that enables developers to build native apps for multiple platforms with a single codebase.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a native Mopro module on both Android and iOS simulators.

First ImageSecond Image

You have 2 options to get started with a mopro React Native project:

Option 1: Clone the Repository and Import the Bindings

  1. Clone the zkmopro/react-native-app repository

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
  3. Run the app

    npm run android


    npm run ios
  4. Update mopro bindings in Android and iOS native module

Option 2: Follow the Tutorial and Build a React Native Module

If you prefer a more hands-on approach and wish to understand how everything works, you can follow the tutorial to build a React Native module from scratch.

1. Initializing a New React Native Project or Using an Existing One

  • Getting started with React Native: Official documentation


    The Expo framework is recommended by the React Native community. (Last updated on Aug 15, 2024)
    We will use the Expo framework throughout this documentation.
    Ref: Start a new React Native project with Expo

  • After creating a React Native project, you should be able to run with a commands like

    npm run ios

    for iOS simulators. And

    npm run android

    for Android emulators.

2. Creating a Native Module

3. Define an API

  • Define the types for the native module. Add the following types in the file:

    // Define the G1 type
    export type G1 = {
    x: string;
    y: string;

    // Define the G2 type
    export type G2 = {
    x: string[];
    y: string[];

    // Define the ProofCalldata type
    export type ProofCalldata = {
    a: G1;
    b: G2;
    c: G1;

    // Define the Result type
    export type Result = {
    proof: ProofCalldata;
    inputs: string[];
  • Add the native module's API functions in the same file.

    export function generateCircomProof(
    zkeyPath: string,
    circuitInputs: { [key: string]: string[] }
    ): Result {
    return MoproModule.generateCircomProof(zkeyPath, circuitInputs);

4. Implement the module on Android

4-1. Add dependency for jna in the file build.gradle.

dependencies {

4-2. Include Mopro bindings in the native Android module

  • Get the MoproAndroidBindings from cargo run --bin android.
  • Move the jniLibs directory to modules/mopro/android/src/main/.
    And move uniffi directory to modules/mopro/android/src/main/java/.
    The folder structure should be as follows:
    ├── AndroidManifest.xml
    ├── assets
    ├── java
    │ ├── expo
    │ │ └── modules
    │ │ └── mopro
    │ │ ├── MoproModule.kt
    │ │ └── MoproView.kt
    │ └── uniffi
    │ └── mopro
    │ └── mopro.kt
    └── jniLibs
    ├── arm64-v8a
    │ └──
    ├── armeabi-v7a
    │ └──
    ├── x86
    │ └──
    └── x86_64

4-3. Create convertible types for Javascript library with kotlin.

It is a better way to represent a JavaScript object with the native type safety.

  • Create a new file called MoproType.kt in the following folder: modules/mopro/android/src/main/java/expo/modules/mopro/
package expo.modules.mopro

import expo.modules.kotlin.records.Field
import expo.modules.kotlin.records.Record

class ExpoG1 : Record {
@Field var x: String?

@Field var y: String?

constructor(_x: String, _y: String) {
x = _x
y = _y

class ExpoG2 : Record {
@Field var x: List<String>?

@Field var y: List<String>?

constructor(_x: List<String>, _y: List<String>) {
x = _x
y = _y

class ExpoProof : Record {
@Field var a: ExpoG1?

@Field var b: ExpoG2?

@Field var c: ExpoG1?

constructor(_a: ExpoG1, _b: ExpoG2, _c: ExpoG1) {
a = _a
b = _b
c = _c

class Result : Record {
@Field var proof: ExpoProof?

@Field var inputs: List<String>?

constructor(_proof: ExpoProof, _inputs: List<String>) {
proof = _proof
inputs = _inputs


Ref: Records

4-4. Create native module implementation in MoproModule.kt

package expo.modules.mopro

import expo.modules.kotlin.modules.Module
import expo.modules.kotlin.modules.ModuleDefinition
import uniffi.mopro.ProofCalldata
import uniffi.mopro.generateCircomProof
import uniffi.mopro.toEthereumInputs
import uniffi.mopro.toEthereumProof

fun convertType(proof: ProofCalldata): ExpoProof {
var a = ExpoG1(proof.a.x, proof.a.y)
var b = ExpoG2(proof.b.x, proof.b.y)
var c = ExpoG1(proof.c.x, proof.c.y)
var output = ExpoProof(a, b, c)
return output

fun generateProof(zkeyPath: String, circuitInputs: Map<String, List<String>>): Result {
val file = File(zkeyPath)
val res = generateCircomProof(file.absolutePath, circuitInputs)
val proof = toEthereumProof(res.proof)
val inputs = toEthereumInputs(res.inputs)
val result = Result(convertType(proof), inputs)
return result

class MoproModule : Module() {
// Each module class must implement the definition function. The definition consists of components
// that describes the module's functionality and behavior.
// See for more details about available components.
override fun definition() = ModuleDefinition {
// Sets the name of the module that JavaScript code will use to refer to the module. Takes a
// string as an argument.
// Can be inferred from module's class name, but it's recommended to set it explicitly for
// clarity.
// The module will be accessible from `requireNativeModule('Mopro')` in JavaScript.

Function("generateCircomProof") { zkeyPath: String, circuitInputs: Map<String, List<String>> ->
generateProof(zkeyPath, circuitInputs)

View(MoproView::class) {
// Defines a setter for the `name` prop.
Prop("name") { view: MoproView, prop: String -> println(prop) }

5. Implement the module on iOS

5.1 Use a framework

  • Get the MoproiOSBindings from cargo run --bin ios.

  • Copy the MoproiOSBindings directory to modules/mopro/ios

  • Bundle the bindings in Mopro.podspec

    s.dependency 'ExpoModulesCore'
    s.vendored_frameworks = 'MoproiOSBindings/MoproBindings.xcframework'

5.2 Create convertible types for Javascript library with swift.

  • Create a new file called MoproType.swift in the following folder: modules/mopro/ios

    import ExpoModulesCore

    struct ExpoG1: Record {
    var x: String?

    var y: String?

    struct ExpoG2: Record {
    var x: [String]?

    var y: [String]?

    struct ExpoProof: Record {
    var a: ExpoG1?

    var b: ExpoG2?

    var c: ExpoG1?

    struct Result: Record {
    var inputs: [String]?

    var proof: ExpoProof?

5-3. Create native module implementation in MoproModule.swift

import ExpoModulesCore
import moproFFI

func convertType(proof: ProofCalldata) -> ExpoProof {
var a = ExpoG1()
a.x = proof.a.x
a.y = proof.a.y

var b = ExpoG2()
b.x = proof.b.x
b.y = proof.b.y

var c = ExpoG1()
c.x = proof.c.x
c.y = proof.c.y

var expoProof = ExpoProof()
expoProof.a = a
expoProof.b = b
expoProof.c = c
return expoProof

func generateProof(zkeyPath: String, circuitInputs: [String: [String]]) -> Result {
do {
let res = try generateCircomProof(zkeyPath: zkeyPath, circuitInputs: circuitInputs)
let proof = toEthereumProof(proof: res.proof)
let result = Result()
result.inputs = toEthereumInputs(inputs: res.inputs)
result.proof = convertType(proof: proof)
return result
} catch {
print("Error: \(error)")
let result = Result()
return result

public class MoproModule: Module {
// Each module class must implement the definition function. The definition consists of components
// that describes the module's functionality and behavior.
// See for more details about available components.
public func definition() -> ModuleDefinition {
// Sets the name of the module that JavaScript code will use to refer to the module. Takes a string as an argument.
// Can be inferred from module's class name, but it's recommended to set it explicitly for clarity.
// The module will be accessible from `requireNativeModule('Mopro')` in JavaScript.

Function("generateCircomProof") {
(zkeyPath: String, circuitInputs: [String: [String]]) -> Result in

// Call into the compiled static library
return generateProof(zkeyPath: zkeyPath, circuitInputs: circuitInputs)

// Enables the module to be used as a native view. Definition components that are accepted as part of the
// view definition: Prop, Events.
View(MoproView.self) {
// Defines a setter for the `name` prop.
Prop("name") { (view: MoproView, prop: String) in

6. Run the app

6.1 Install expo-asset

Install expo-asset to use assets.

npx expo install expo-asset

6.2 Check the expo command

The android and ios script should be as follows:

"scripts": {
"android": "expo run:android",
"ios": "expo run:ios",

6.3 Create an example view

This view enables users to generate multiplier2 proofs and the public signals.

import { Image, StyleSheet, Button, TextInput, View, Text } from "react-native";

import ParallaxScrollView from "@/components/ParallaxScrollView";
import { ThemedText } from "@/components/ThemedText";
import { ThemedView } from "@/components/ThemedView";
import { generateCircomProof, Result } from "@/modules/mopro";
import * as FileSystem from "expo-file-system";
import { useState } from "react";
import { Asset } from "expo-asset";

export default function HomeScreen() {
const [a, setA] = useState("");
const [b, setB] = useState("");
const [inputs, setInputs] = useState<string>("");
const [proof, setProof] = useState<string>("");
async function genProof(): Promise<void> {
const asset = Asset.fromURI(
const newFileName = "multiplier2_final.zkey";
const newFilePath = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}${newFileName}`;
const fileInfo = await FileSystem.getInfoAsync(newFilePath);
if (!fileInfo.exists) {
try {
const file = await asset.downloadAsync();
if (file.localUri === null) {
throw new Error("Failed to download the file");
await FileSystem.moveAsync({
from: file.localUri,
to: newFilePath,
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error renaming the file:", error);
const circuitInputs = {
a: [a],
b: [b],
const res: Result = generateCircomProof(
newFilePath.replace("file://", ""),
return (
headerBackgroundColor={{ light: "#A1CEDC", dark: "#1D3D47" }}
<View style={styles.inputContainer}>
<Text style={styles.label}>a</Text>
placeholder="Enter value for a"
<View style={styles.inputContainer}>
<Text style={styles.label}>b</Text>
placeholder="Enter value for b"
<Button title="Proof" onPress={() => genProof()} />
<ThemedView style={styles.stepContainer}>
<ThemedText type="subtitle">Public Signals:</ThemedText>
<Text style={styles.output}>{inputs}</Text>
<ThemedText type="subtitle">Proof:</ThemedText>
<Text style={styles.output}>{proof}</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
stepContainer: {
gap: 8,
marginBottom: 8,
input: {
height: 40,
borderColor: "gray",
borderWidth: 1,
flex: 1,
paddingHorizontal: 10,
inputContainer: {
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
marginBottom: 10,
label: {
fontSize: 16,
marginRight: 10,
reactLogo: {
height: 178,
width: 290,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
position: "absolute",
output: {
fontSize: 16,
borderColor: "gray",
borderWidth: 1,
padding: 10,

6.4 Run in simulators

  • Android
npm run android

Trouble Shooting: If it shows

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
> SDK location not found. Define a valid SDK location with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your project's local properties file at '.../android/'.

Add the ANDROID_HOME environment variable by following the prerequisites.

  • iOS
npm run ios