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Version: 0.1.0


The mopro-wasm module enables the compilation of WASM code using wasm-pack for supported proving systems.

Note: Currently, only the WASM module for Halo2 can be generated in mopro-wasm. Support for additional proving systems may be added in the future.

This module supports multithreading in WASM through the use of wasm-bindgen-rayon.



  1. Install Rust and wasm-pack:

    Ensure you have Rust installed, and install wasm-pack for building and testing WASM modules:

    curl -sSf | sh
  2. Install chrome and chromedriver(for testing):

    Both chrome and chromedriver must be installed, and their versions must match.

    Please refer to Get started with ChromeDriver


To compile the WASM module for all supported backends-"plonk," "hyperplonk," and "gemini", run the following command:

wasm-pack build --target web -- --all-features

This command output files into the pkg directory, including the generated WASM file, JavaScript bindings, and metadata required for integration with web applications.


Run the Fibonacci circuit tests for all the backends in the browser in headless mode.

wasm-pack test --chrome --headless -- --all-features