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Flutter Setup

Using "Getting Started - 3. Mopro build" guide, you can generate the "MoproAndroidBindings" and "MoproIOSBindings" for the iOS and android platforms in your project folder, you're ready to create a cross-platform project using Flutter.
Flutter is a framework for building natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.

1. Prerequisites

  1. Install Flutter

    If Flutter is not already installed, you can follow the official Flutter installation guide for your operating system.

  2. Check Flutter Environment

    After installing Flutter, verify that your development environment is properly set up by running the following command in your terminal:

    flutter doctor

    This command will identify any missing dependencies or required configurations.

  3. Install Flutter Dependencies

    Navigate to the root directory of the project in your terminal and run:

    flutter pub get

    This will install the necessary dependencies for the project.

2. Integrating mopro into a Flutter app

Depending on your case, you may want to integrate mopro into a new or existing Flutter app.

2.1 Creating a New mopro-Enabled Flutter App

Use the provided example app as a starting point.

Android app screenshotiOS app screenshot

Clone the repository from zkmopro/flutter-app with

git clone

Running the App via VS Code

  1. Open the project in VS Code.
  2. Open the "Run and Debug" panel.
  3. Start an emulator (iOS/Android) or connect your physical device.
  4. Select "example" in the run menu and press "Run".

Running the App via Console

If you prefer using the terminal to run the app, use the following steps:

  1. Ensure you have either an Android or iOS emulator running or a device connected.
  2. Execute the following command:
    flutter run

Integrating mopro bindings

The example app comes with a simple prover generated from a Circom circuit. To integrate your own prover, follow the Rust Setup steps to generate the platform-specific libraries. Then, follow the steps below to integrate the generated libraries into the Flutter app.


├── ...
└── mopro_flutter_plugin
└── ios/
├── ...
├── Classes/
│ ├── ...
│ └── mopro.swift
└── MoproBindings.xcframework/...
  1. Replace mopro.swift file at mopro_flutter_plugin/ios/Classes/mopro.swift with the one generated during the Rust Setup.
  2. Replace the directory mopro_flutter_plugin/ios/MoproBindings.xcframework with the one generated during the Rust Setup.


├── ...
└── mopro_flutter_plugin
└── android/
├── ...
└── src/
├── ...
└── main/
├── ...
├── jniLibs/...
└── kotlin/
├── ...
└── uniffi/mopro/mopro.kt
  1. Replace the directory mopro_flutter_plugin/android/src/main/jniLibs with the one generated during the Rust Setup.
  2. Replace mopro.kt file at mopro_flutter_plugin/android/src/main/kotlin/uniffi/mopro/mopro.kt with the one generated during the Rust Setup.

Customizing the zKey

├── ...
├── assets/multiplier2_final.zkey
└── lib/main.dart
  1. Place your .zkey file in your app's assets folder and remove the example file assets/multiplier2_final.zkey. If your .zkey has a different file name, don't forget to update the asset definition in your app's pubspec.yaml:

    - - assets/multiplier2_final.zkey
    + - assets/your_new_zkey_file.zkey
  2. Load the new .zkey file in your Dart code by updating the file path in lib/main.dart:

    var inputs = <String, List<String>>{};
    inputs["a"] = ["3"];
    inputs["b"] = ["5"];
    - proofResult = await _moproFlutterPlugin.generateProof("assets/multiplier2_final.zkey", inputs);
    + proofResult = await _moproFlutterPlugin.generateProof("assets/your_new_zkey_file.zkey", inputs);

Don't forget to modify the input values for your specific case!

2.2 Integrating mopro Into Existing Flutter App

If you already have a Flutter project, follow the steps below to integrate mopro.

  1. Copy the mopro_flutter_plugin directory from the repository root into the root folder of your existing Flutter project:

    ├── ...
    ├── lib/
    ├── android/
    ├── ios/
    ├── pubspec.yaml
    └── mopro_flutter_plugin/
  2. Add the plugin to pubspec.yaml as a dependency:

    sdk: flutter
    path: ./mopro_flutter_plugin
  3. Follow the steps described in Integrating mopro bindings section to generate your platform-specific libraries.

  4. Place the libraries in the corresponding directories for iOS and Android as described above.

  5. Follow the steps described in Customizing the zKey section to load your .zkey file.

3. Modifying The Flutter Plugin code (Optional)

You can find the Flutter plugin code that enables the communication between Flutter and your generated libraries in the mopro_flutter_plugin directory. However, typical IDEs may not provide platform-specific features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, or error detection if you load the whole project in your IDE. Here are some tips on how to edit the platform-specific plugin code:



Open the ./android directory in Android Studio. You will be able to browse to the plugin code in Project view:

mopro.kt & MoproFlutterPlugin.kt


Open the ./ios directory in Xcode. You can find the plugin code in the Project navigator:

mopro.swift & MoproFlutterPlugin.swift